Wednesday, June 10, 2009

15 Days!

In 15 days I'll be marrying a wonderful man -- a gift from God. I am busy with preparation. God's provision has been humbling. There are so many people that have been generous beyond my highest expectations. I will never be able to thank them enough!

Our wedding is going to take place on a beautiful estate belonging to Noah's Aunt and Uncle. The property is called Mount Pleasant. It's strikingly beautiful. When I think about this momentous day being held outside in some of God's most beautiful handy-work, I feel richly blessed. I can't wait to share some pictures!

This weekend is all about prep! Lord be in every detail. I am also going to be with some of the lovely ladies in my life for a bridal shower this Saturday. I can't wait! I've been to a kabillion showers...but this one is for me! What a fun time in life.

*Marriage License today! Rings next week!*


  1. How exciting! Can wait to see all the pictures from your gorgeous wedding!

  2. my heart just spills over with joy at the thought of this time in your life... Rae!!!! I SOOO wish I could be there with you - for your shower, for your big day. I ache. BUT, I know it will be amazing. Soak in every part of it... it all blurs together somehow... take in as much as possible.
    LOVE YOU!!!!

  3. Woo-hoo!! How fun! Enjoy your shower you deserve all the spoiling!

  4. I am sooooo excited to be a part of just the prayer friend! But to know I get to see ya walk down the isle and get married.. I'm sooo excited and emotional... I will blame it on the prego hormons ;op Have a great shower tomorrow! Knwo I am there in prayer! Love you!

  5. Great advice Shan...I can see what you mean about it all blurring together. It was an amazingly blessing of a day! I truly felt "showered"!!! Less than 2 weeks!

    Thanks all for the well wishes and prayers.
